Images:  © Samuel Hicks© Murielle Etc© Andrew Heiser , © Dani Gros© Chiara Zonca© Brad Curran© Alex M. Smith© Rebecca Webb.

The Print Swap is coming to Manhattan for our second annual holiday exhibition and party, and photographers who participate in the swap between now and November 11th will be part of the show! In the past, we’ve exhibited in Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Sydney, and Hyderabad and we’re thrilled to be coming back to ROOT Studios in New York City this winter. This will be the ninth-ever Print Swap exhibition but the first to include every Print Swap photographer who submits during the open call.

Simply tag your photos #theprintswap on Instagram to be considered. We also accept submissions emailed to [email protected].

Launched by Feature Shoot Founder Alison Zavos back in 2016, The Print Swap connects photographers all over the world. Selected artists each give a print of their own, and in exchange, each participant receives a print from someone else. The element of surprise is a big part of the project; because we mail prints randomly, you could end up with a photograph taken just around the block or halfway across the globe. We’ve had participants from dozens of countries across six continents so far. While it’s free to apply, selected photographers pay $40 per image to participate, and this covers all printing and shipping costs.

Since all Print Swap photographers will be exhibiting work, this show promises to be our biggest yet. All genres are eligible, and our team of Print Swap editors will be selecting images. As with all of our shows, photographers who have submitted prior to this call for submissions will not be eligible to exhibit, but everyone is more than welcome to submit again. As a reminder, the deadline for submissions for this exhibition November 11th, 2018. Learn more at our website and follow along at @theprintswap on Instagram for updates. We can’t wait to see your photos!