Icelandic Storm © Raimondo Giamberduca (@rainorb)

In the last few months, The Print Swap has traveled to exhibitions in New York, Sydney, and Los Angeles. Now, Feature Shoot’s large-scale art collecting initiative is coming to Berlin in a show at the contemporary gallery BERLIN BLUE art. The final selection of images will be curated by Alexa Becker, the Acquisitions Editor for photography and art books at Kehrer Verlag. Submit your photos via Instagram using the hashtag #theprintswap between January 27th and March 23rd in order to be considered.

BERLIN BLUE art, a gallery in the core of the city, focuses on emerging and mid-career artists, with group and solo exhibitions that engage the eyes and encourage dialog. In the past year alone, BERLIN BLUE art has hosted hundreds of artists working in photography, video, installation, painting, sculpture, drawing, and screen printing, bridging the gaps between media and fostering a community of image-makers, curators, and collectors.

As part of one of the world’s preeminent art book publishers, Alexa Becker mines hundreds of submissions for the best work by emerging and established artists. With a background in art history, Becker joined Kehrer Verlag in 2003 and is responsible for some of the publisher’s most revolutionary titles from the last fifteen years. As a frequent judge for competitions, festivals, and portfolio reviews, Becker amplifies new voices within the photo industry, while her brainchild, the Trouvés series of handmade books at Kehrer Verlag, pays homage to the history of the photobook and pushes the genre into exciting, uncharted terrain.

The Print Swap is a project connecting photographers across the globe. Photographers are welcome to submit via Instagram simply by tagging #theprintswap, though we also accept submissions sent via email to [email protected]. Photographers who participate in The Print Swap give a print and receive a print. Prints are mailed out at random, so it’s always a fun surprise to see whose print ends up where. As always, there is no cost to apply, but selected photographers pay $40 per image to participate in The Print Swap. We cover printing and shipping.

For the exhibition at BERLIN BLUE art, Becker will consider images submitted to The Print Swap between January 27th and March 23rd only. Photographers who have participated in the past are welcome to submit again. Submissions for this show will close at 11:59PM on the night of March 23rd, though submissions for The Print Swap are ongoing throughout the year. Learn more at The Print Swap website and on Instagram at @theprintswap.