
Steven Chikosi [@stevenchikosi] / March 6, 7


Sabrina Merolla [@sabrinamero] / March 8,9

We might be buried in snow, but Spring is just around the corner, and we have a fantastic lineup of Guest Instagrammers to usher in the month of March around the globe. This time around, we’ll begin with Steven Chikosi all the way over in Harare, Zimbabwe before jetting off to visit Italy with Sabrina Merolla. From there, we’ll return to New York City with Melissa Eder and get a taste of Britain with Emile Hussell before being guided through the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius with Simas Lin.

Interested in taking over our feed? Leave your Instagram username in the comments section to be considered.


Melissa Eder [@melissaederart] / March 10, 11


Emile Hussell [@emile_hussell] / March 12, 13


Simas Lin [@simaslin] / March 14, 15

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