
Xenia Melnik [@fogsound] / March 16, 17


Mehri Jamshidi [@mehrijk] / March 18, 19

The snow is officially melting, springtime is rearing her cheerful head, and we have a brand new lineup of Guest Instagrammers to help us celebrate the season. We’ll start this round off with Moscow’s Xenia Melnik before traveling to Iran with Mehri Jamshidi. From there, we will join Mute Records’s Zoe Miller at a film screening in Guadalajara, Mexico and Markel Redondo in The Basque Country in northern Spain. Finally, we’ll conclude our world tour in Ohio, where we’ll visit the small town sites with Matthew Collins.

Interested in taking over our feed? Leave your Instagram username in the comments section to be considered.


Zoe Miller [@muterecords] / March 20, 21


Markel Redondo [@markelredondo] / March 22, 23


Matthew Collins [@cobracollins] / March 24, 25