
© Kevin Zacher / fStop / Offset

From Diane Arbus to Martin Schoeller, photographers have been irresistibly drawn to the subject of twins. Be they identical or fraternal, pairs of twins have long been the stuff of folklore and urban legend, traversing the delicate line that separates the everyday from the archetypal. Having shared the womb with one another, twins seem to possess an almost mythical bond that registers beautifully on camera from infancy to old age. Now, we’re looking for your photographs of twins, fraternal and identical, biological and symbolic, young and old.

Our judge for this group show will be Keren Sachs, Director of Content Development for Offset, a new collection of high-end stock photography and illustration from artist around the globe. Prior to joining Offset, Sachs worked as a Director of Photography at Martha Stuart Living, Art Director at Corbis and Wall Street Journal, Photo Editor at National Geographic Society, and Creative Manager at Williams-Sonoma.

The winning photographer will receive a GoPro Hero4 Black. All submitting photographers will be considered to join Offset’s curated collection of award-winning and high end photography. Selected photos will run on the Feature Shoot website and be promoted through our social media channels. Copyright remains with the photographer.

To submit, email up to five images (620 pixels wide on the shortest side, saved for web, no borders or watermarks) titled with your name and the number of the image (ex: yourname_01.jpg) to fsgroupshow (at) gmail (dot) com with “Twins” in the subject line. Please include your full name, website and image captions detailing the titles/locations of the photographs within the body of the email.

The deadline for submissions is March 6, 2015.

Check out our latest interview with Keren Sachs to learn more about Offset.