

For her series 11pm-2am, Venezuelan born photographer Vanessa Rondon wanders the quiet streets of Brooklyn at night time, capturing moody, dreamlike cityscapes. Busy working a full time day job, left with no daylight hours to work on her craft, she took up photographing the city at night merely out of convenience. It just so happened that through capturing these images, and forcing her physical presence to be noted in an otherwise deserted space, that she discovered a sense of place in her new city.

Walking through the streets of an industrial part of Brooklyn in the late hours of the night is not for the faint of heart. In fact, police often stopped to warn Rondon of the dangers of being a woman alone in these areas at night time. “I felt both scared and excited. I was excited because I felt like I found a gem in plain sight. But I was scared because I was shooting late at night by myself in a very desolate dangerous neighborhood,” says Rondon, on how she felt while she was shooting this project. The result, though, is beautiful, haunting and romantic.







All images © Vanessa Rondon