
“I’ve been a photographer for a long time, but I’ve also worked as a web designer (I even won an award for one of my sites). Making the changes in Squarespace is so much easier than writing HTML or CSS.”—Sheri Lynn Behr

Sheri Lynn Behr has a long and illustrious career in photography, capturing NYC nightlife from The Ramones to Bono on stage. In recent years, Behr has concentrated on personal work exploring concepts of “photography without permission and our surveillance society”. In 2012 she received a Fellowship in Photography from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and continues to exhibit internationally in both solo and group shows. We loved Behr’s unique vision and thought her a perfect fit for our most recent Squarespace makeover.

Originally trained in web design, Behr built her old site years ago, but found keeping it up-to-date with old complicated code a hassle. She wanted a clean, modernized look without all the time it takes to create a website from scratch. From bigger images to more gallery style options, Behr used Squarespace‘s intuitive and clever tools to completely transform her site. With the website now complete, we present the striking before-and-after photos and a Q&A with Behr about the process.



What issues / problems did you have with your old site?
“I designed my old site several years ago. I started to feel it was more about the design than the photographs. I also wanted the photos to be larger, to be the focus of the page. I knew that making a new site from scratch would take a lot of work, and I really didn’t have the time I’d need to devote to it.”

Which template did you use for your site? Did you customize anything?
“I used Wells, and I did do some customizing, changing the font and some colors, adding spacers. I’ve been a photographer for a long time, but I’ve also worked as a web designer (I even won an award for one of my sites), and making the changes in Squarespace is so much easier than writing HTML or CSS.”

What do you like about your new design?
“I really like that I have a simple design in which the photo stands out. All the design elements I need are there, but it’s the photos that you see on the page. And that’s exactly what I wanted.”



How does the design of the new platform relate to your photographic aesthetic?
“I’m showing a diverse set of projects dealing with surveillance and privacy, but they are very different. I really appreciate that with Squarespace I can easily show the photos in the best way for each project. One uses the slider, one is a grid, two are slideshows. I’ve thought for the longest time that a slider gallery of images would work best for my project NoSafeDistance, and now I have one.”

How long did it take you to make your website? Did you find it easy?
“It took me about a week, part-time, to get it up and running. It is so much easier than any of the dedicated web-design software I’ve used before. I love that I can change the order of the pictures just by rearranging them, and Squarespace fixes all the links for me. It even resizes my images on the fly. I can make any change, add or take away anything I want quickly and easily, and Squarespace makes it work perfectly.”



What are the benefits to building a your own website as opposed to hiring some one?
“Because I had worked as a web designer in the past, I just couldn’t bring myself hire someone. But even for the photographer who is not a designer, you have total control when you build and update it yourself. And there are so many good templates, it’s easy to find the one that works for you.”

What are some of the advantages of using Squarespace?
Squarespace has great templates, it’s easy to use, and it even creates a mobile site from your desktop site automatically. I’m really pleased I took the opportunity to try it, and I’m very happy with the results.”



Squarespace is a Feature Shoot sponsor.