
Photographers, we’re at it again and offering you a chance for a complete website makeover with the help of the fine folks at Squarespace. Our first winner has been chosen and while his website is currently in the works, we’re looking for round two of photographers with sites in need of a revamp. Squarespace is the unique and professional site-building platform that is simple to use and manage. Complete with hosting, domains, a commerce feature, and contemporary templates that are 100% customizable, Squarespace puts together the whole package for the modern photographer.

Based solely on your work, we will select one photographer for the chance to win a complete site makeover. In exchange, the selected photographer will receive a free lifetime membership to Squarespace, along with a write-up on the Feature Shoot homepage about you and your work that will include before and after shots of the makeover process.

To enter for the chance at a site makeover, please email your website address to submissions (at) featureshoot (dot) com with the words “Squarespace Submission” in the subject line by May 26, 2014.

Squarespace is a Feature Shoot sponsor.