Charles Traub

Rimini, 1989. Image courtesy of Charles Traub/Damiani.

It was the 1980s and American photographer Charles H. Traub was amidst Italy’s colorful and cultural backdrop on many a frequent visit, snapping everyday moments in the charming cities of Rome, Florence, Venice, and Naples. Candid, lighthearted, and spontaneous, Traub’s images show us an outsider’s view in admiration. Here he happened upon quite a relevant sculpture of the Italian-made Officine Galileo camera in the city of Rimini. The sculpture has since been cleaned of graffiti.

Damiani just released Dolce Via: Italy in the 1980s this month, bringing Traub’s photos from Italy together for the first time since the mid-80s. Traub will be doing a book signing at ICP in New York on April 18th and at Paris Photo LA on April 25th, 2014.