

Photographer Iveta Vaivode attempts to turn back time in order to discover her deceased grandmother’s youth in Somewhere Along the Disappearing Path. Throughout her childhood Vaivode heard stories of the tiny village Pilcene, Latvia, a simple and beautiful world where her grandmother felt loved and accepted. It was after her death that Vaivode decided to visit the town for the first time, hoping to meet those who knew her family and the life they shared there. What she found was a unique and rural village surviving much like the generations before them. Each photograph is full of lush landscapes and humble dwellings, every detail imbued with the invented memory of her grandmother’s childhood.

Though most of Pilcene’s residents did not know the family personally, Vaivode finds the continued pilgrimage a memoriam to who her ancestors were then, and who they grow to be in her mind through the stories, sights, and sounds she collects. Somewhere Along the Disappearing Path is a record of an unknowable reminiscence, cherishing the past through the present before both fade away.


Iveta Vaivode photography






Iveta Vaivode photography

Iveta Vaivode photography

Iveta Vaivode photography


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