Andy Brown

UK-based photographer Andy Brown has a website that speaks to the modern photographer. Equal parts documentary, commissioned, personal and commercial work, Andy shoots in a style that is at once highly employable and delightfully free. His project You’re Not Alone, 1: Being Brave, made with funding by an Arts Council in partnership with the Children’s Hospital in Sheffield, UK, caters to both fine art aesthetics and documentary tropes in its presentation of children immediately before and after undergoing a major dental procedure to have teeth removed. Reminiscent of Nicolai Howalt’s Boxer project—two portraits per subject, stark background, same framing per image—the children in Brown’s series come across as fearless participants, recorded forever in an otherwise traumatic experience that most of us have by now, luckily, long forgotten.

Andy Brown

Andy Brown

Andy Brown

This post was contributed by photographer Sahara Borja.