NSFW men Paula-Winkler photography

For the project I create the pseudonym of “Renate Rost” and go onto internet sex platforms. There I contact men via email and chat and ask them if I can photograph them naked in hotel rooms. On the one hand I am very interested to see what kind of men are really hidden behind these anonymous internet profiles and on the other hand I am very keen on transforming their sexually coded bodies into an image. As a photographer and as a woman I miss the heterosexual gaze on the male body. I enjoy challenging the balance of power of the male gaze and the female object and let the men become my object of desire. For this reason I only work with heterosexual men that react to me as a female photographer. The process of photographing becomes a role play itself which reveals a sexuality and transforms it into an image that often even surprises my sitters. The interest in creating a scenario with a documentary background and the love for images superimposes the original setting: a man, a woman, a hotel room.

Paula Winkler lives and work in Berlin. She has won several awards in Germany and her work has been printed and shown internationally.

NSFW men Paula-Winkler photography

NSFW men Paula-Winkler photography

NSFW men Paula-Winkler photography

NSFW men Paula-Winkler photography

This post was contributed by photographer Maja Daniels.