We’re thrilled to announce that our latest guide for photographers, produced in collaboration with PhotoShelter is now available for download!

With so many of us (316 million in the United States alone) being urged to stay at home for the safety and wellbeing of our communities, we know that possibilities for photoshoots can be limited right now. At the same time, we’ve seen dozens of creative projects arise from our global situation; from quarantine selfies to still lives on the kitchen counter, photographers around the world are shooting and staying motivated amid changing circumstances.

22 Photo Projects You Can Do Inside Your Home is a simple, easy-to-follow guide for photographers who want to explore new ideas while sheltering in place. We’ve included prompts and exercises of our own and drawn from photographers we admire for inspiration. Most of all, we’ve tried to think outside the box and come up with projects that will surprise and encourage you through this difficult time.

Download the guide for free here.