Kinship © Benedict Adu / Sunday School

The rise of the digital age brought along with it a newer appreciation for photography, storytelling and other creative endeavors. Additionally, the growing presence of the Internet in most people’s daily lives has facilitated a new desire for them to create works and share them with others. Oftentimes, however, young creatives lack the skills or knowledge to accomplish what they truly intend to and what they initially imagined. In this current age ruled by a digital world in which sharing and creating has never been easier, collaboration and guidance are sometimes necessary. By providing a platform allowing creatives from different fields to create visually stimulating and inspiring visual stories, Josef Adamu’s Sunday School represents the creative hub par excellence and the future of visual collaboration in the digital age.

Modeling, creative direction, and styling among many other things are the areas in which the Toronto-based creative shine the most. Through Sunday School, a creative agency founded by Adamu last April 2017, the multi-hyphenated creative is able to use his many skills by collaborating with fellow creatives looking for a place to hone theirs. It is through photography, videography but also written content that Josef and the other members of the school aim to convert real-life stories into digital experiences.

We talk to Sunday School’s founder Josef Adamu about the agency, the inspiration behind the work he does and the place of visual storytelling in the digital age. Follow Sunday School on Instagram.

Practice © Benedict Adu / Sunday School

What motivated you to create Sunday School? What do you think Sunday School brings to the Toronto creative scene that was previously missing?
“Sunday School was created in the form of an agency to encourage individuals to unlock their potential. Whether you enjoy film, photography, writing, fashion, amongst many more, this space invites you to interpret your ideas visually. I was directly motivated by the individuals who reached out to me for collaboration purposes. I knew there was an undiscovered method that would allow me to team up with all of them. That method is Sunday School. A collective that encourages teamwork from all angles. No one is above anyone else. All values matter.

“Sunday School is a great establishment for Toronto because there has not been anything like it before. I believe it opens an eye to abstract concepts, real-life storytelling, and vibrancy through images. The team continues to grow, thus, I am excited to see what our next moves are.”

Close Ties © Ararsa Kitaba / Sunday School

How important do you think visual storytelling is in the digital age?
“Visual storytelling is extremely important across all brand development. Everyone has a story, more importantly, a unique story. It is our job to interpret these stories how we choose based on our experiences. In the digital age, most folks want to watch videos online or read about very interesting situations. These are all methods of visual storytelling. It’s everywhere.”

How is the application process for Sunday School? Are you looking for any particular characteristics in the prospective members?
“We don’t have an application process. In reality, the team is built off of scouting, for now. We suggest folks that are interested e-mail the team for revision. The team consists of charismatic, passionate, unique, and versatile individuals. Those that can contribute consulting ideas, styling choices, creative direction, and design proposals, are ideal for this agency. Everyone and anyone will be considered.”

What is the inspiration behind the stories Sunday School chooses to tell?
“The inspirations for the stories chosen are honestly very random. It could result from a movie one of us has watched, an experience we had growing up, a situation we recalled, a dream we had, etc. There is no method to the way we grasp our ideas, ideas are everywhere. The best part is combining these thoughts and brainstorming ways to make them visually appealing.”

Friendly Feud © Jay Lee / Sunday School

Can you talk a little about the creative process for the shoot? Are the members involved in the process at all?
“The creative process involves developing a concept (often as a team), developing a moodboard/scouting a location, and executing on a Sunday. The process is unmatched. It keeps everyone organized and always leads to results. As the director of this team, I usually produce the shoots. However, there are several instances where SS members have stepped in to play crucial roles whether it was through styling, storyboarding, scouting locations, just to name a few. We all pull our weight when the time comes.”

Practice © Benedict Adu / Sunday School

Which project of yours has been your favorite so far?
“My favorite project so far is likely our first project ‘Fire Drill,’ as well as our most recently released project, ‘Practice.’ They are easily the most aesthetically pleasing photosets to date. The teamwork, the photography perspectives, and the colors were displayed very well!”

Kinship © Benedict Adu / Sunday School

What do you have planned for Sunday School in the future and what do you hope to ultimately accomplish with this platform?
“The future is bright. I intend on expanding worldwide with the brand, as well as connecting with brands for campaigns of all sorts. I’m extremely excited!”

Close Ties © Ararsa Kitaba / Sunday School

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