© Ignas Maldus  (@ignasmaldus)

Vincent van Gogh once said, “I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” Nighttime, it seems, is the sole territory of the artist. After everyone has turned their lights out and gone to sleep, photographers remain restless. Some hit the streets in search of lonely places and forgotten traces. For our latest group show, we’re looking for your nighttime photographs. Unlike most of our previous shows, this competition won’t be defined by the what but by the when.

This online group show will be curated by Alison Zavos, Editor-in-Chief at Feature Shoot. To submit, email up to five images (620 pixels wide on the shortest side, saved for web, no borders or watermarks) titled with your name and the number of the image (ex: yourname_01.jpg) to fsgroupshow (at) gmail (dot) com with “Nighttime” in the subject line. Please include your full name, website and image captions within the body of the email.

You may also submit via Instagram simply by following @featureshoot and posting your images using the hashtag #featureshootnight. Selected images will be featured on our Instagram throughout the duration of the judging process.

This show is supported by Squarespace, the intuitive website publishing platform that makes it simple for photographers to build creative and professional sites with their combo of award-winning designs, hosting, domains, and commerce. Selected photos will run on the Feature Shoot website and be promoted through our social media channels. Copyright remains with the photographer.

The deadline for submissions is November 21st, 2016.

Squarespace is a Feature Shoot sponsor.