William Woodward

© William Woodward / ImageBrief.com

© Christopher Rubey, 2015 - www.chrisrubey.com

© Christopher Rubey / ImageBrief.com

For our newest group show, “Off The Grid,” we partnered with ImageBrief and put out a call for images that depict what living life “off the grid” means to photographers. The following collection, was curated by Chris Buda, Manager of Art Buying at BBDO and Isabelle Raphael, Head of Visual Content at ImageBrief and features 20 photos that encapsulate the ethos of the “off the grid” lifestyle. More images from the collection can be found on ImageBrief’s site.

Congratulations to the photographers featured here. Each will receive free Explorer Plus accounts from ImageBrief, which allow them to sell images in the ImageBrief Marketplace, get hired on assignment, and get contacted by ImageBrief’s network of thousands of buyers.

Didn’t make it in time to submit to Off The Grid? Don’t worry, ImageBrief has dozens of new briefs every day and it’s free to sign up and submit.

Jess Arnold

© Jess Arnold / ImageBrief.com

Prajit Ravindran

© Prajit Ravindran / ImageBrief.com

Justin Paget

© Justin Paget / ImageBrief.com

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset

© Ben Hood / ImageBrief.com

Berta Tilmantaite

© Berta Tilmantaite / ImageBrief.com

Dustin Penman

© Dustin Penman / ImageBrief.com

Gracie Ryan

© Gracie Ryan / ImageBrief.com

Greg Mionske

© Greg Mionske / ImageBrief.com

Jenna Genio

Jenna Genio / ImageBrief.com

Justin Paget 2

© Justin Paget / ImageBrief.com


© Kevin Faingnaert / ImageBrief.com

Jürn's House

© Kevin Faingnaert / ImageBrief.com

Rhombie Sandoval

© Rhombie Sandoval / ImageBrief.com

Ryan Struck

© Ryan Struck / ImageBrief.com

Ryan Walkerq

© Ryan Walkerq / ImageBrief.com

Sean Cook

© Sean Cook / ImageBrief.com

Thomas Wilson

© Thomas Wilson / ImageBrief.com

Sash Alexander

© Sash Alexander / ImageBrief.com