
Shane Lavalette [@shanelavalette] / November 7, 8, 9


Itay Benit [@itaytu] / November 10, 11, 12

It’s that time again! Curl up with some warm tea, and get ready to travel the world with our latest lineup of Guest Instagrammers. We’ll start this round off with the black and white stylings of Shane Lavalette as he jet sets to Vienna before hopping over to Israel, where photographer Itay Benit lives with his playful dog Lola. From there, we’ll visit Costa Rica with Erin Kunkel and fly to Brisbane, Australia to see the G20 Leaders Summit with Martin Smith before concluding in Montreal with Matthew Brooks.

Interested in taking over our feed? Leave your Instagram username in the comments section to be considered.


Erin Kunkel [@erinkunkel] / November 13, 14, 15


Martin Smith [@jennifer_cheeseman] / November 16, 17, 18


Matthew Brooks [@thematthewbrooks] / November 19, 20, 21

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