

Welcome to the most furry and fabulous event of the year. Photographer Amy Lombard had no idea what she was getting herself into when she was commissioned to capture the first annual NYC Doggies & Tiaras Pageant for The Cut.

Entering a hotel venue where dogs outnumbered people, Lombard was blown away by the dozens of pet-sized couture gowns and miniature wigs. The pageant idolizes all aspects of doggie fashion including three separate categories of the best activewear, talent and glamour. Similar events include proms, fashion shows, parties and more. Little Aspen the chihuahua and her owner Terry St. Angelo were clearly having the time of their lives, both posing proudly for their moment in the spotlight. Though some might have mixed feelings about dressing animals up in such extravagant ways, Lombard found both humans and canines seemingly thrilled to strut their stuff.