Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Breathtaking and surreal, Karen Knorr‘s work is more than just lush images of animals and colorful architecture, but a celebration and musing of India’s rich culture and myths. Using sacred and secular sites, the series highlights “caste, femininity and its relationship with the animal world.” India Song is tediously captured with a large format camera and scanned to a very high resolution to catch every detail of the various temples and mausoleums. Knorr then inserts live animals into these decadent landscapes in a amalgam of analog and digital as well as fantasy and reality. Cranes, tigers and elephants lounge and roam like kings in their environment. The series acts as a nod to the many animal-centric fables of the Panchatantra, Knorr’s beasts taking on a magnificent nobility when made lord of Indian palaces and holy sites.

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

Karen Knorr

via Faith is Torment